Saturday, July 6, 2013


“For thus says the LORD of hosts, ‘Once more in a little while, I am going to shake the heavens and the earth, the sea also and the dry land. I will shake all the nations…’” Haggai 2:6-7

What is it that makes people desperate for revival? What is it that will make the Church desperate for God? Jesus has said that He is coming back—all signs point to the reality that it may be very soon. Are we ready? Are our loved ones ready? God has been shaking our world, but it seems that we are all asleep. Think of the things that have happened and are happening in America—terrorist attacks, violence in schools and work places, earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, drought, the possibility of global financial collapse—these things wake us up only long enough for us to hit the snooze button. Meanwhile our society, and the values that once made America great, are deteriorating rapidly. Proverbs 28:2 says, “When there is moral rot within a nation, its government topples easily”. The Church really doesn’t have much to offer these days—the same sins that have overtaken the world have overtaken the Church. We tolerate adultery, divorce, abortion, lying and cheating—not wanting to “offend” anyone. What about the offense to God? What about being holy and set apart for His service? We are asleep—oblivious to the shaking that is going on all around us.

Ask God to open our eyes to see the world (and the Church) as He sees it. That should make us desperate. Repentance is the key. If we get our lives right with God, maybe that will cause unbelievers to be desperate for what we have.

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